Tag Archive for: video

Cycling-Friendly Downtown Orlando

People's perceptions are amusing. I've been on a number of group…

Law Enforcement Bias and the 3ft Law

So, I finally got around to reading through the links Eric provided…

Making Your Way on Narrow Roads

Narrow 2-lane roads can be more difficult than multi-lane arterial…

Impeding Traffic

Yesterday, Fred_dot_u was pulled over for "impeding traffic."…

Night Moves

I'm taking a short break from being a beach bum to bring you…

Passing a Freeway On-ramp

A freeway entrance can create an intimidating road configuration…

Video: the case for leaving wide lanes alone

The following video is a segment of what Brian DeSousa shot with…

Take the Red Pill

I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the…

Video: Riding Big and Getting Space

In Southern California, the car is king. Many places people…