Tag Archive for: Motorist Education

A Group of Cyclists in Heavy Traffic

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6XPTpH6YOw This video is from…

Pedestrians can be cited for not crossing at the crosswalk?

I was pleased that somebody is doing something, but then I read…

The Case for a Six Lane Moratorium

The last two years have brought unprecedented change to the…

Dude! Who do you think you’re honking at?

Photo by Mighk Today was a stellar day! The weather was…

Accident Prone

Do you know someone that is accident prone? I know I do. I…

Newspaper coverage did not accurately reflect real risk.

The title is the conclusion from a study. Until we get the…

Reporting Rude Motorists Through Social Network Sites

This idea just popped into my head as I rolled up my driveway.…

Do Roads Pay for Themselves?

I must have missed this one back in 2006. I'm sorry that I did…

Help Wanted

The Florida Safety Council and Florida Bicycle Association are…

I like bikes, but…

they are uncontrollable and their drivers can't be trusted. Wandering…