Tag Archive for: Cycling Education

The “I Am Traffic” Bicycle Education Colloquium

Florida Bicycle Association, CommuteOrlando.com, and CyclingSavvy…

Insurance Company Plays Rough

Here's an unusual case: Cyclist was riding the wrong way on the…

Bike Rodeo at First Baptist Church of Casselberry

On Saturday, May 19, the First Baptist Church of Casselberry…

1,000 Miles – The Victory Lap

Like most adults, I hadn’t ridden a bike in years. During…

Vanquishing Demons in the Devil’s Vortex

Most of our arterial roads, we know from the windshield perspective—insular,…

Huntington Beach offers traffic school for bicycle lawbreakers

From the LA Times: Huntington Beach has become the first city…

MetroPlan Scholarships for CyclingSavvy

ORLANDO, FL – Florida Bicycle Association is proud to announce…

This Wasn’t Supposed to Happen

Seriously! I didn't intend to have a mindset change or get this…

CyclingSavvy this Weekend

Just a reminder, this will be your last chance to take a…

CyclingSavvy: Tour of Orlando

CyclingSavvy on-road session 12:30-4PM beginning in Colonialtown.…