Tag Archive for: Bike Facilities

It’s hard to imagine…

that in the information age, any city could do such a heinous,…

Sunday trip to the burbs

I have great admiration for people who make a regular long-distance commute. In the last few years, my commute shrunk to 3.5 miles, then to the length of my condo. Now I use the bike for utility trips and some meetings. Sunday I made a longer trip.

Ferncreek: A Case of Unintentional Manufactured Conflict

The animation at the top of this post shows the conflicts that are created by the bike lane configuration on Ferncreek. These are not theoretical conflicts. In the few months since this road was repaved and striped, I have seen them all.

New Bike Parking at the Orlando Farmers Market

North of Central at Oseola Ave. Right next to the valet. Nicely…

FDOT to Build Path in Miami

The Miami Herald has an article about how the FDOT will spend…

Juxtaposition of Fantasy and Reality

Yesterday morning as I was cruising the news feed, I watched…

Protecting Trail Funding — RTC rides to AAA

Video: Seidler Productions covers the Rails to Trails ride to AAA World Headquarters, December 13, 2010. RTC President Keith Laughlin and cyclists from around the state hand-delivered a petition with more than 51,000 signatures (33,000 from AAA members).

Broward County Approves Bike Sharing Contract

From The SunSentinel: With recent approval of a contract with…

Helmets, Bikeways and the Culture of Fear

A compelling video is making the rounds of Facebook and cycling…

That’s what I’m talkin’ about!

This is what people want! They want to use quiet, shady streets with light, slow traffic to get to their destinations. Wayfinding could be a powerful tool to promote cycling.