Tag Archive for: Bicycle Statistics

It’s Not an Accident — Part 2

What does this chart tell you?

Why do they do this?

This rider doesn't start out against traffic, but he swoops…

Mr. Bicycle! Good Press for Safe Cycling

Go grab your copy! It's a collector's item, you know. If…

Newspaper coverage did not accurately reflect real risk.

The title is the conclusion from a study. Until we get the…

Combinations Cause Crashes — Situational Awareness

As I swerved to miss the pedestrian — who had stopped,…

10% Huh? Don’t Fall For It!

Cite a study saying cyclists are only responsible for 10% of…

Is this PSA any good?

Several years ago, the NYC Pedestrian Safety Council produced…

Yeah but, what did you learn from it?

“Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from…

“Unsafe” Roads for Cyclists?

Before anyone checks, I've probably used the same term before,…

Direct Them Here…

I've gotten the question (or argument) so many times.  Variations…