Enforcement for Bicyclist Safety
In the wake of several unwarranted traffic stops and citations of cyclists for lawful lane control, Metroplan Orlando has published a document which will be distributed to Law Enforcement agencies in Central Florida.

Right on Red, Screw the Peds
Oh those sneaky amendments. A few years ago bicyclists were…

Why We Need to Watchdog Sharrow Placement
As if the MUTCD minimums were not bad enough, these installations don't even meet them. The intent seems to be to keep the bicyclists as far right as possible, as if that will minimize their impact on the important traffic. Of course, it's going have a different impact on the bicyclist who is sideswiped, or doored then run over.

If you want to stop having this debate…
...stop trying to shut it down. We don't hold an unpopular point…

Florida Bicycle Lane Law Changes Again
Further loosening of the lane use requirement. Underlining is…

The “I Am Traffic” Bicycle Education Colloquium
Florida Bicycle Association, CommuteOrlando.com, and CyclingSavvy…

Orlando Makes the Top 100! Again!
It seems as though every morning brings us news about hit and…

Personal safety when cycling alone
[Note from LisaB: I'm posting this on behalf of a female Commute…