Entries by Laura

LYNX Surplus Auction

Someone had requested information on the LYNX surplus auctions. Their latest auction starts today April 21st. You can follow this link to the list. There are several bikes. http://www.technologysurplusdepot.com/auctions.aspx?cons=122348

LYNX is auctioning bikes

LYNX  often has bikes left at stops or on buses and will auction those that go unclaimed once a year or so. Some look to be in decent shape or have fairly good components. Obviously they’re in as-is condition but thought some resourceful folks out here might be interested. They’re all for local pickup at […]

Transit Causes Cancer! Oh My!

A coworker of mine dabbles in blogging and this week’s blogpost doesn’t disappoint. LYNX recently added service to Conway Rd south of the 408. Ridership has increased quite a bit, with some stops averaging 60 riders or more a day. Yay for transit, right? Well, not for some people. Read on http://zipsclips.blogspot.com/2011/03/transit-causes-cancer.html

(Not So) Free Parking

This is a post I started several months ago and am only just now getting around to wrapping up. Sorry for being such a slacker! The City of Orlando recently increased its parking fees for the new Arena which opened in October. They doubled the special event parking fee at the two parking garages closest to the […]

(not) Planning for Other Modes

“It was determined, when doing the design of this construction project, that traffic volumes were just too high,” said spokeswoman Ashley Hungate. “There are too many lanes to cross safely to put the pedestrian signal in.” While this quote comes to us from Indiana, it could just as well be from Florida.  In Eric’s recent […]

Jay Leno’s Race through LA

Dave Zabriskie posted this link on his twitter page and that’s where I discovered this little ‘gem’. His comment was ‘if you want to race, get on a race track’. I couldn’t agree more. More support for the car culture. I think one of the roads Leno drives on in the video is one where the infamous road […]

Moving People or Cars?

Or designing for people or cars? One of the challenges of transportation planning is who do you plan for? Cars? Bikes? Pedestrians? Transit? In my experience, it seems all modes take a back seat to the automobile. Parking lots become nightmares for pedestrians. Check out Orange Blossom Trail just north of Holden and you’ll see […]

Possible Opportunity on Edgewater Drive

I happened to be in a meeting the other day discussing various planned roadway resurfacing projects. FDOT was seeking input on potential opportunities within these corridors that would be more than just the resurfacing/restriping. Edgewater Drive between Par and Forest City Road is scheduled for resurfacing in the next year or so. The City would […]

Beat the Heat with LYNX

Yes, it’s true. The LYNX buses are air conditioned. Very well air conditioned as many riders often bring a wrap or sweater to keep the chill off, especially after waiting in the heat for the bus to come. But how does this relate to commuting by bike? Well, just like walking, everyone commutes. One way […]