Entries by John Brooking

Of cars, bikes, and Trojan horses

Question: What do the following two quotes have in common? Well-planned, well-designed, context-based streets are an integral part of a comprehensive transportation network that safely supports the needs of the communities and the traveling public, no matter how they are traveling. and The motor vehicle zone is generally considered the paved travel way of a […]

Ride Like You’re Invisible?

The Advice “I ride like I’m invisible.” “You have to assume they don’t see you.” “I ride so it doesn’t matter if they see me or not.” How often does some variation of this advice come up on Internet forums? Perhaps you’ve heard it in person from a well-meaning and even experienced cyclist. I’ve even […]

A Maine Yankee Bike-Commutes Orlando

Over the weekend of January 7-9, I was warmly welcomed and made to feel very much at home by the good folks at Commute Orlando. I traveled to Orlando to experience the Cycling Savvy course first-hand. Although I have been bike commuting full-time for 8 years now, and have been a licensed bicycle educator with the League of American Bicyclists for two years, I sensed that this course had a fresh approach to offer, and that I might even learn a thing or two I hadn’t thought of before, and I did.

Introducing LAB Board of Directors Candidates

Greetings, Commute Orlando readers! Keri has graciously allowed me to write a guest essay here, for the purpose of introducing you to myself and two others who are intending to stand for election to the Board of Directors of the League of American Bicyclists, which will be held during December 2010 and January 2011. To […]