Entries by Eric

Here is an interesting fellow

Peter D. Norton. Got his Ph.D in History at UVA writing about (of all things) traffic. Guess the Elizabethan Era didn’t do much for him. Now he teaches there at the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Here is an essay he wrote about Urban Freeways. Fighting Traffic: U.S. Transportation Policy and Urban Congestion, 1955-1970 […]

Proposed new signs and markings (3)

“Share the Road” gets a makeover for bicyclists. It goes from Yellow to Fluorescent Yellow Green (FWG) and can be combined with a pedestrian sign. Section 9B.18 Bicycle Warning and Combined Bicycle/Pedestrian Signs (W11­1 and W11­15)

Proposed new signs and markings (2)

Section 9C.07 Shared Lane Marking Option: The Shared Lane Marking shown in Figure 9C­9 may be used to: A. Assist bicyclists with lateral positioning in a shared lane with on­street parallel parking in order to reduce the chance of a bicyclist’s impacting the open door of a parked vehicle, B. Assist bicyclists with lateral positioning […]

Proposed new signs and markings (1)

Rather than make one big post, I am breaking these up. This is from the proposed amendments to the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices). The comment period is open until July 31. http://www.trafficsign.us/npa.html Section 9B.06 Bicycles May Use Full Lane Sign (R4­11) Option: The Bicycles May Use Full Lane (R4­11) sign (see Figure […]

What does ‘Share the Road’ mean?

Ask a typical motorist about ‘Sharing the Road’ and more likely than not, they will say something like this: Of course cyclists can share the road with cars. The cyclist is supposed to stay way over there as close as possible to the edge, the car takes the rest of the lane and there we […]