Entries by andrewp

Bike and Dine

Last evening, my wife and I got on our bikes and rode to a local restaurant to eat dinner.  It was lovely — warm but with a breeze so that the 10 minute ride of .87 miles (we could get there faster, but what was the hurry anyway?) was enjoyable.  We had a nice dinner outside in […]

Just a great commute today …

I like my commute.  Yesterday’s was really good.  Let me tell you why ….. First, it starts with the fact that I just got my bike back from the repair shop (kudos to Kyle’s Bike Shop for a first-rate job, done on time and under budget!!).  I had a flat tire, and when I went […]


(pic source Cristian Science Monitor) It was a typical situation we all deal with.  But we’ll get to that … The day didn’t start out so typical.   I began my (typical) commute home from work.  As I rode the bike lane east on Livingston, I had a pleasant surprise.  A gentleman rode up behind me and […]

Obesity and the Automobile (and the bicycle)

Several findings about the relationship between obesity, the automobile, and the bicycle ….. 1)  As Americans have been getting obese, so have automobiles. Interesting that as we as a nation are getting bigger, our automobiles are keeping right up with us … 

What kind of reporting is this!!??

What do you see wrong with the title and contents of this report?  — From “The Chain Gang”, part of the online Orlando Sentinel: Car kills cyclist on Orange AvenuePosted: 20 Mar 2010 09:50 PM PDT A bicyclist died Friday night after he was struck by a vehicle on South Orange Avenue in Orlando. The […]

Murphy on Cycling

Everyone knows the Murphy laws ….. like “If anything can go wrong, it will.” So what are the Murphy Laws of Cycling? Here’s a couple I’ve come up with — maybe you have some of your own. 1.)  “There is always a head-wind”         (a)  the wind is always stronger than predicted         (b)  In […]

Stop Judging Me!!!

As the alarm clock went off, I reached over to shut it off.  It would be nice to stay in bed for another 30 or 45 min, but I slowly get dressed for the commute, and still somewhat asleep I roll my bike out of the garage, mount up, and start peddling ….. “Whoooaaaa — who […]

Book Review: CycleCraft, by John Franklin

Until recently, for folks out there who are interested in learning how to ride on the streets safely,  there were not many choices. If you were lucky enough, you found a training class, or maybe you found a mentor who could show you how to ride.   Or, with the Internet you could surf to find fleeting glimpses of […]