98.5% Full Moon Foldie Ride, May 24th!

What better way to end your work week and kick off your long Memorial Day Weekend than with a Friday night bike ride under a beautiful 98.5% full moon!
moonThe Full Foldie Moon, also known by some other cultures as the Milk Moon, Flower Moon, Corn-planting Moon, Dragon Moon, and my personal favorite from New Guinea: the Palolo Worm Moon, marks the beginning of an important tradition in our local bicycling community. Here is the opportunity to bring out your little folding bicycle and ride with pride, or at least as much of it as one can muster, under the circumstances.

This will be a social ride, at a relaxed pace, along a lovely scenic route. You are welcome to ride any sort of bicycle (or recumbent trike or whatever) you wish, although foldies will be featured.

We’ll meet up at 7 PM in the parking lot at the Cady Way trailhead on the east side of Fashion Square Mall. (It’s on Herndon Ave. just north of Colonial Drive.)

Come have some fun! Come enjoy some Full Foldie Moon Fever!


5 replies
  1. Patti
    Patti says:

    Would this ride be appropriate for children (say nine and 11 year old)? Will it be on trails or on the roadways?

    • Diana
      Diana says:

      Hi, Patti. We will ride safely on the roads, two abreast. The distance will be around 10 miles, and we’ll ride at a relaxed, social pace. All ages are welcome, but you would be the best judge of your children’s level of fitness, stamina, bike handling ability, and bedtime.

      If you think this night ride might be too much for your kids, we would love to plan a special kids’ ride soon, with your input. We could make it a really fun event!

  2. Vincent Hsu
    Vincent Hsu says:

    Well, I’m bummed – didn’t check the blog for awhile and as a result, completely missed it! Hope y’all have a great ride!

  3. Jess
    Jess says:

    Hi Diana, I’d love to join you on your next full moon foldie ride! (although I’ll be out of town for the June full moon).

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