S-Cargo Rides Again!

Join Bike Walk Central Florida and CommuteOrlando this Sunday morning to the Maitland Farmers Market. We’ll ride a scenic route there at an easy pace, and the weather is forecast to be perfect! The Maitland Farmers Market has fresh produce and related stuff, as well as food trucks. Whoohoo! Food Trucks!

Feel free to ride whatever you have. Ride your cargo bike, pull a trailer, use racks, bags, baskets, panniers, or hang a plastic bag from the handlebars. It’s all good. Everyone is welcome to come. Bring your kid, your dog, your insignificant other, or come by yourself. If you are new, you’ll know everyone within a few minutes.

Date: Sunday, January 29, 2012

Time: We’ll meet up at 10:00 AM.

Meet up place: in the parking lot of the Cady Way Trailhead behind Fashion Square Mall

Destination: Maitland Farmers Market on the shore of beautiful Lake Lily

Come join the fun! Carry home a bag of peppers, some fruit, a big bunch of greens, a jar of exotic marmalade, a gourmet cupcake or two, or whatever you please, all transported by you and your bicycle. It’s the best way to go.

We will be joined by John Schubert of Adventure Cycling Magazine and videographer Scott Murrish who will be shooting footage for (R)Evolutions per Minute: Cargo Bikes in the US.

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