Tis the Season, Let’s Ride!
It’s that time of year again! I’m going to use this post to add rides as they are planned or sent to me. Here’s what I have so far:
Dec. 2: First Friday – Light Up Orlando!
Let’s be festive! Decorate your bike for December’s First Friday ride. Battery-powered Christmas lights can be found at Home Depot. There are other fun items, like neon wires and spoke lights (more on these later, I’m trying out a set right now).
Decorating bikes is not a requirement. You can just show up and ride, as always!
Dec. 3: Winter Park Christmas Parade
Breakaway Bicycles is organizing a bike group for the parade. Meet at the shop for coffee, donuts and bike decorating at 8 AM. The Parade begins at 9. The Breakaway group is in starting place 88 (MAP). Dress as an elf, a who or a grinch (just no Santa characters). Decorate your bike or build a trailer float.
S-Cargo will be there with penguins. Let us know if you want to build a float and need a trailer.
Dec. 10: New Hope for Kids Holiday Bicycle Ride
(Want to be a ride marshal? See below.)
Join New Hope for Kids on Saturday, December 10th for the 9th annual Holiday Bicycle Ride. This fun adventure through Winter Park and Casselberry is the perfect occasion for you and your family to feel the wonder and excitement this time of year brings! As hundreds of bicycle riders cruise through 9 miles of brightly lit neighborhoods, it is impossible to miss the joy of the season.
Registration and festivities begin at 4 pm with the ride starting promptly at 6 pm. Anyone 10 years and older may ride solo. Children younger than 10 must be in a trailer or on a tandem. All children under 16 must wear a helmet. All participants must be able to maintain a speed of 12 mph. Flashers on your bike and helmet are recommended for this NIGHT Ride.
Cost is $10 in advance/$12 night of the event and includes music and refreshments. For more information: www.newhopeforkids.org or 407.331.3059 x10.
All proceeds will benefit New Hope for Kids, an approved 501 c3 organization which provides specialized support to children and families grieving the death of a loved one and grants wishes to children with life-threatening illness in Central Florida.
Ride marshals needed!
Bike/Walk Central Florida is looking for volunteers to help marshall the New Hope for Kids Christmas Ride. This is a fun event for a great cause! Contact Brad Kuhn if you can help. Marshals meeting is at 5:15 — get a snazzy yellow T-shirt, and join hundreds of folks on a fun, slow meander through residential streets in Casselberry. We need about 15 volunteers.
Dec. 10: B3 Café Ride
Leaves from the café at 7:00 p.m. (3022 Corrine Drive); decorated bikes and kids are encouraged – you must have helmets, lights (front and rear); there’ll be live music afterward!
That’s what I have so far. If you’re planning a ride, please contact me with the info and I’ll add it. There will probably be some other christmas lights rides. I’ll post them as they’re planned or sent to me.
Hope and plan to make it for the First Friday Ride 12/2, will have to dig out my battery lights. Busy Sat 12/3. Plan to join the B3 Cafe’ Ride 12/10 with lights and what ever else I can come up with.