Buy/Sell/Trade Your Bike Gear – Free!
My longtime cycling buddy, Julie Mills, has created a new national website for listing cycling gear. It’s like a craigslist just for cyclists. Check it out!
Bike Gear Classifieds – FREE to post is an online cycling classified ads and business directory designed by a cyclist, for cyclists. The idea is to bring together local communities to buy and sell bike gear and post information to help cyclists in their daily lives. A lot of effort has gone in to organizing the site so that it’s easy and painless to use. We have also made the site very search engine friendly to attract potential buyers.
Many cyclists have boxes of unused bike gear in their garages. is founded on the idea of simple ad posting. At, users need only register and verify their e-mail address to be eligible for ad posting. After that, users only need to fill-out a simple form–and the listing is up instantly! Each ad will run for thirty (30) days, giving users plenty of time to reap the benefits of such postings. It is FREE to post in all sections of this website, so flock on board and have fun!
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And while you’re there, don’t miss the CyclingSavvy post: Three Cycling Tips That Could Save Your Tailfeathers! Save a life, pass it on.