Eric2011-02-08 08:54:462011-02-08 08:54:46Sharrows being tested in Miami Beach
Just when you think they can’t get any dumberOdd Ends
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Have editorial standards really fallen this low? The example photo in “Charolotte, NC”[sic] is a bike lane, not a sharrow.
I noticed that, too. But many people don’t know the diff and when you need a photo in a hurry (and just about all stories/posts MUST have a graphic these days) just about anything will do, I guess.
Yeah, like the article on the Livestrong site about burning calories that featured a speed-blurred photo of someone riding against traffic on an urban street.
You still burn calories riding against traffic 🙂 Here I bet someone saw a bike and an arrow and figured it was close enough.
Actually, I’d think you might burn a lot MORE calories riding against traffic. It certainly seems a lot more exciting in any event. Personally, I like my cycling to be more boring…
DAVID SMILEY is not very knowledgeable about cycling law or best practices.
Cyclists have always had leeway to drive in the center of the lane. If the lane is not wide enough for another vehicle to pass safely within the same lane. Drivers of other vehicles must change lanes to pass not merely veer into the other lane.
I don’t want to jinx it by mentioning it, but the comments section over there at is remarkably civil and accommodating. Any article on cycling infrastructure here in the bikier-than-thou west brings out rivers of virulent cliche-ridden hate within minutes.
Would you attribute that to backlash?
backlash, yes, and specifically a schism between densely populated politically influential and liberal urban areas with bike-riding mayors and city council members pushing for spending on bike infrastructure in greater metropolitan areas which are essentially rural (or deluding themselves into thinking they’re rural/wild west…) with a strong anti-tax / anti-regulation biases.
You can absolutley count on any bike related news story generating the following anti-bike memes: scofflaws blowing through stop lights; don’t pay taxes; impeding traffic; Lance wannabes; I shouldn’t have to look at your ass crammed into spandex (it’s always “spandex”, never lycra)
“scofflaws blowing through stop lights”
simple response to that: how many motorists yield to pedestrians at unmarked crosswalks? Most likely a much lower proportion than cyclists who stop at red lights.
Ooh, I forgot one: it’s simple physics, in a crash between a car and a bike the car wins, therefore I’m right and you’re insane.
It’s “assertive”, not “aggressive”, argh!
assertive, aggressive
practicable, possible
potato, potahto
it’s all the same to a reporter.
and unfortunately to law enforcement officials as well.
“Bettin said the markings are also to alert motorists that cyclists will be veering further onto the roadway. By law, she said, drivers must stay three feet from cyclists, meaning they will often have to swerve into the left lane to pass a cyclist and may occasionally have to drive slowly and patiently behind bicyclists.”
A lot of veering and swerving going on for what should be simple road maneuvers.