My MADSEN Winner Announced!
I don’t want to do this. I really don’t. My stomach hurts. This whole thing is intellectually decided, but spiritually it is strongly rebelled against. But here I am with the ability to give somebody transportation for no money at all. Completely remove the market from the picture. That’s huge. Plus I can give back something when I got something. That’s nice. Right? Plus I already said I’d do it. So I kinda have to. No more whining about it. Here goes:
[reluctantly] I said I’d have a winner today, so here are the results:
All the entrants were compelling. But I developed a simple rubric based on 1-5 point scale. Below are the results:
track record of success 5—Many CO readers know how committed Rodney is.
possibility of longevity 4 Not many young, small children means fewer years’ use.
making of a one-car family 3 The level of Rodney’s success indicates that he is already so car-independent that little change will be made.
track record of success 5—you already transport kids without a car.
possibility of longevity 5—your children are so young that you have room to grow.
making one-car 5—you can really do this with a MADSEN, and I think it’s just the push you need.
YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE! Good for you! 🙂
track record of success 5—you already use a bike to transport kids.
possibility of longevity 5—your children are so young that you have room to grow.
making one-car 5—you can really do this with a MADSEN, and I think it’s just the push you need.
Patti Lynn
track record of success 5—clearly overcome challenges daily, commendably, though not with bikes necessarily.
possibility of longevity—indefinitely—5
making one-car—Clearly you will use the MADSEN, though recreational use such as going to the beach combined with less support of car-free history make lower score because it indicates that everyday transportation use might not be as prevalent. Basically, it’s my little baby, and it needs time to run around and play! 4
I received a personal appeal on behalf of (and unbeknownst to) one of the two finalists while I was at the Orlando Museum of Art this past week. Tales of her dragging her child through the heat, of her passion, of her commitment. But the other finalist is on the Cady Way Trail. He has seen me there. And this is a veritable bike highway. It so increases the chances that someone can go car light to car free.
I just couldn’t decide. I asked Angie, and she thought it was a tie. I emailed my dad. No deciding answer there either.
So I anonymously had students read the entries. They wrote paragraphs supporting why or why not this or that person should get the bike. Don’t worry. They didn’t decide this. But they did make me think. The most compelling argument was that one person demonstrated a need while another person demonstrated a desire, and since need trumps desire, Person A (as they were so labeled) should win. Person A was Janet’s entry, so she is the winner of my original MADSEN! Congratulations Janet!!!
Janet, please post a time that you would like to meet at the Cady Way Trailhead at Cady Way Park so that I can deliver your new MADSEN. I would like this to be as public as possible, because it’s exciting to me. As a happy member of this wonderful and growing community, let me be the first to say welcome to the world of family cycling. Your life will never be the same.
Congratulations Janet!
(And I wish everyone could have won…)
Yay Janet!! Congratulations!
Hey, what about a celebration at one of the Christmas lights rides?
Congratulations Janet! Congratulations to you Jesse for making the tough decision of bestowing your Madsen to a new owner.
Hope to see more family cycling soon! It is such a joy and thrill!
Hooray for Janet! I don’t know any of you, but this is a really cool thing to see in the car-free/car-free light community!
Ride it in grand style and good health!
Jesse, thank you for your kindness and encouragement!
Congratulations Janet. Jesse, tough decision, great intellectual process and fascinating read. Most importantly, though, thank you for paying forward.
Congratulations Janet! You deserve it. May you enjoy your Madsen and I hope to see you on the road!
Congratulations Janet!! I hope to be able to be there and meet you and you, Jesse, at the “hand over” celebration!
Jesse, thank you so much for selecting me!!!! My family is thrilled! I don’t know if tomorrow early afternoon is too soon for you? What about next Saturday early afternoon if tomorrow is too soon?
Let me know what works for you (I am saying weekends just because I would like for my husband Mike to be there too.).
@ Janet! Congratulations!
I’m so happy for you and your family. I can’t wait for you guys to start using your MADSEN! I hope you get years of use.
I’ve heard from some others about how happy you are to get this, and that makes me so happy!!!–you know it’s such a cool bike that it’s actually pretty hard to say goodbye to.
How about Saturday, 2pm at the Cady Way Park?
Is there any way we can meet a little earlier? My husband flies out at 4:10 (I thought it was later) on Saturday.
If not 2PM would be fine, I will make it work.
Thank you so much again for this wonderful gift to my family. We will take such good care of your wonderful MASDEN!
No problem. How about 11:00am?
Jesse that is perfect, we will see you there at 11AM Saturday!
Janet (and Mike, Lexie, Sydney, and Robert)
Congrats, Janet! How exciting!
What a joy to find such clear thnnikig. Thanks for posting!