Christmas Lights Rides
Two Christmas lights rides are planned for the next 2 weeks.
New Hope for Kids ride
Saturday 12/11, 6:00 pm
Registration begins at 5 pm, ride begins promptly at 6:00 pm
Shopping Center Parking lot at the corner of SR 436 and Winter Park Dr. (Near Buffalo Wild Wings)
900 SR 436 , Casselberry, FL 32707
The ride is a $10 donation in advance and $12 the night of the event. Children under 10 ride for free.
All donations go directly to New Hope for Kids. Buy tickets in advance here.
Ride marshals are needed to help with this ride. If you can ride as a marshal, please e-mail Brad Kuhn at Bike/Walk Central Florida. You’ll need to be there at 5:30 p.m. with a bike equipped with front and tail lights.
B3 Christmas Lights Ride
Saturday 12/11, 6:30 pm
2nd Annual Holiday Lights Bike Ride Tour at 6:30 PM. Kids and decorated bikes encouraged. Helmets, front AND rear lights mandatory.
Transition Orlando Christmas Light Bike Ride
RESCHEDULED for Sunday 12/19, 5:30 – 9:00 pm
Enjoy a leisurely 1 1/2 hour bike ride around downtown Orlando to see Christmas light decorations! Front & rear bicycle lights required. Helmets required for children under 16. Bicycle decorations optional but encouraged! Enjoy a social with holiday treats after the ride. We also welcome your homemade goodies! Meet at Florida School of Holistic Living, 1109 E. Concord Street, Orlando.
Trailer floats and bike decorations
It would be very fun to have a get-together to decorate our bikes and build floats for our trailers on December 10 or 11, but we need a place to do it. Does anyone have ideas? I am extremely busy and don’t have to to organize it.
Just got back from the B3 Christmas Light Ride. Beautiful clear evening with just a little bit of nip to the air! 30 to 35 of us had a nice, one hour ride around B3’s neighborhood seeing some great Christmas lights on many homes. There were families with the kids on their bikes or in a trailer or on seats behind Dad or Mom. Everyone seamed to have a good time riding and looking at the lights.
Thank you, Jen & Darrell!!
The New Hope ride was excellent! SCSO was impressive in their leadership and traffic control. Big props to them for learning each year from the challenges and successes and making each ride better and better!
David’s World was a great sponsor. Bike/Walk Central Florida did an excellent job of rounding up marshals. And the marshals did a nice job of keeping the group together and in-bounds. Super group effort.