Unite Bike Photo Event

Who: Cyclist and recreational riders of all levels welcome!

What: Group portraits of all riders, individual portraits for anyone
who wants one

When: Sunday October 3 @ 5pm – RAIN OR SHINE

Where: Cady Way Trail Overpass @ Semoran Blvd/SR 436, Winter Park FL

Why: UNITE BIKE aims to promote and support the community and the
individual people who make the choice to participate in an activity
that is good for your health, great for the environment and helps to
create a better society at large.

Benefits: Everyone who participates will receive digital copies of
their photographs at no charge.

Host Photographer: Brook Pifer http://brookpifer.com

Website: http://unitebike.com

Specific Event Page: http://unitebike.com/events-2/?event_id=16

We will meet at the fashion sq Cady Way trail head at 4:15 for a leisurely ride to the bridge.