UCF Bike Bus Report
Today was the first official ride of the UCF Bike Bus, and it went great! We still didn’t have any passengers, but Jason and I had a great time and observed great civility while riding down University Blvd at 7:30 am this morning and at 5:00 pm this afternoon. This portion of the 15 miles route is 6 miles long and takes us about 25 minutes.
The morning commute, while noisy since we’re on a 6-lane road, is usually very comfortable and we often have the road to ourselves. There is more traffic in the afternoons, and people do not seem as calm since they just spent a full day at work, so it’s not always as pleasant. However, today both rides were amazing. We did not get a single beep in the morning, and only 2 minor ones in the afternoon. Watching the video from the rear camera showed that people were not only being civil to us, but to each other too as they helped cars merged onto their lane 1-2 car lanes behind us.
I got home energized and excited for future Bike Bus rides. As I sit here 3 hours later writing this post, while eating a homemade ice pop, I’m still basking in the joy of the ride home and can’t wait to do it again.
So what are you waiting for? Join us on Wednesday for ride #2!
We’re also on Facebook now, so like our page and spread the word!
There’s nothing like the high from a perfect commute! This is such a great way to get to work, it makes me wish I worked out there 😉
Cool idea. I’m encouraging my daughter and her BF to start a similar sort of thing for commuting to school — about 1.5 miles — with pick-ups along the way.
Please read –
Roadway Position (see Section 316.2065, F.S.)
•A bicyclist who is not traveling at the same speed of other traffic must ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. A bicyclist may leave the right-most portion of the road in the following situations: when passing, making a left turn, to avoid road hazards, or when a lane is too narrow for a bicycle and a car to share safely. (see Roadway Position Explained)
•A bicyclist operating on a one-way street with two or more traffic lanes may ride as close to the left-hand edge of the roadway as practicable.
•Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not ride more than two abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles. Persons riding two abreast shall not impede traffic when traveling at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions existing, and shall ride within a single lane. (see Impeding Traffic Explained)
I wish folks would stop preaching to the choir.
Yes, we have all read it. Most of us even carry law enforcement guides with us.
Roadway Position Explained
316.2065(5)(a)(3)When a lane is too narrow for a bicycle and a car to share safely, the cyclist is entitled to the use of the entire lane. Within this lane, the cyclist usually rides on the right half to facilitate visibility for overtaking motorists, but should ride far enough left to discourage motorists from trying to squeeze past within the lane.
Although the law uses the term “substandard” to discribe a lane that is not wide enough to share, these narrow lane-widths make up most of our roads. The less common “standard,” wide curb lane is described below.
Impeding Traffic Explained
The only place “impeding traffic” appears in the bicycle law, is with regard to riding 2 abreast. However, cyclists should pull over — at their discretion and only when it is safe to do so — if a significant line of traffic accumulates behind them.
The 2-abreast rule only applies to roads on which a single rider can operate side-by-side with a motor vehicle (i.e. a lane 14 ft or wider, or a road with a bike lane). A single cyclist (or single line of cyclists) is entitled to the full use of a lane less than 14 ft wide, therefore it makes no difference in the flow of traffic for riders to be 2-abreast. In many cases it actually facilitates overtaking by reducing in half the distance needed to pass.
Additionally, 2-abreast riders do not impede traffic if: (the below applies to any width lane
with or without the presence of a bike lane)* on a multi-lane road – motorists can pass in the next lane over
* on a road with a center two-way left turn lane in which motorists can pass
* there is sparse oncoming traffic and motorists can safely use the oncoming lane to pass
* the cyclists are traveling at or near the speed limit
* the cyclists are traveling at or near the speed of traffic
“Impeding traffic” is not defined in the law, but reducing a motorist’s speed for a few seconds until it is safe to pass does not constitute an impediment or an obstruction.