More Cognitive Dissonance…

…in the mainstream cycling advocacy community.


Early in the article, about Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s bike crash:

The mayor, who said little on the topic during five years in office, is campaigning to make streets safer for cyclists after a parked cab abruptly pulled out across a bike lane, causing him to shatter an elbow.

And a while later:

Villaraigosa says the city needs to invest in bicycling infrastructure and focus on traffic safety enforcement to make streets safer for cyclists.

Cycling advocates believe more people would turn to pedal power if roads were safer. Frustrated by lack of progress, some have taken up guerrilla tactics by painting bike lanes and other cycling symbols on roads and street corners.

Hmmm.  Bicycle facility encourages cyclist to ride in a position that increases the risk that a vehicle will pull across the cyclist’s path.  Cyclist in said facility is hit by a vehicle turning across his path.  Cyclists say: “We need more of those facilities!”

7 replies
  1. ToddBS
    ToddBS says:

    Well, he is a politician working in government. And that’s how governments work. “Our previous efforts failed? Well, we’ll just do it again. And bigger.”

  2. Eric
    Eric says:

    How exactly would he earn a bronze, silver or gold medal for his city by ignoring the LAB requirements?

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