Bike to Work Day with Mayor Dyer
Join Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer in support of reducing our impact on
the environment!
Infusion Tea
1600 Edgewater Dr.
Gather 7:30 a.m.-8:00 a.m., Ride at 8 a.m.
Gather, then ride into Downtown ending at Orlando City Hall.
Group Competitions: Medals award for the largest groups!
Free Coffee or Tea (with your mug), Tune-ups & LYNX one-way passes to
College Park!
For more information contact the City of Orlando’s Transportation
Planning Division 407.246.3347/3325
Follow link to view flyer.
Gotta love the political feel-goodness! This makes my commute nearly double AND gets me to work 4 hours earlier. What a deal.
See you there! Bring your mug!