What a nice thought

We saw this sign in High Springs, FL on our way home from the panhandle. It was among a number of messages promoting the outdoor activities in the area. But wouldn’t that be a nice civility message for a community? What if we could enjoy the good nature of our fellow citizens and use the roads to travel via our mode of choice with no fear of territorial incivility from people using a different mode? What if? How hard could it be? Civility is free.

2 replies
  1. Rantwick
    Rantwick says:

    That’s funny, I took it as human “good nature” (civility) in the first place… it would seem that I am a believer that it is possible somewhere, somehow! Does that make me a foolish optimist? Hey, lets start a freaky commune where civiltiy reighns! We could take turns being cyclists and motorists and be like, NICE to each other!

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