Meet the Sustainable Cyclists

During 2008-2009. Ryan and Mandy bicycled thousands of miles to visit 100 sustainable communities of all types. They met 20,000+ people and interviewed over 800 of them about their personal journeys toward sustainability. Throughout the course of these visits, Ryan and Mandy lived and worked in these sustainable communities and began to realize that “community is the secret ingredient to sustainability.” Not only is it more economical to creat sustainable systems in community, but it’s more fun too!

Watch this video to learn more about their journey.

Within Reach Sustainable Communities Bikepacking Journey Presentation

Wednesday March 24, 7 p.m.  (Mandy and Ryan)
Friday April 2, 7 p.m.  (Ryan only)

Florida School of Holistic Living

622A N. Thornton Ave
Orlando, FL 32803

4 replies
  1. Rodney
    Rodney says:

    Either this thing got canceled or we were given bad information on the meeting place. Got there (7:30ish) and found the door locked and no one home.

  2. Keri
    Keri says:

    That sucks. That’s the info that was sent out by them. I’m taking the Friday date off the calendar.

    Sorry 🙁

    I hope you had a nice family bike ride at least.

  3. Rodney
    Rodney says:

    The video trailer was alluring, too bad we missed the presentation.

    We had a GREAT time! It was rough on the missus, seeing as she was relegated to haul the kiddos in the trailer. My new rear kickstand won’t allow me to hitch the trailer on the chainstay.

    I offered to take it off, being more of a gentleman, than the more conditioned rider. She refused. Took some time getting back, but we made it and both children did very well in the trailer. Can you say “fast asleep before their little heads hit the pillow”?

    I was both proud and impressed how she handled herself with the trailer negotiating Bumby/Anderson/South Street lights/intersection with the traffic. She showed no signs of being uncomfortable controlling the lane.

    I have imparted what limited knowledge I have of efficient and enjoyable cycling to her and see confidence and skill improving each time we ride.

    As a family, we will be able to “sustain” using our bicycles for transport around town, becoming more car-lite, and increase the time we spend cycling together.

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