Bicycle Ride With Pets

Join the CommuteOrlando gang this Saturday at 12pm, February 13th. Our meet up will happen at PetSmart on Colonial and Maguire. For those who elect, or may need to drive, we suggest parking at the Cady Way Trailhead

Children are welcome. Ride details and suggested routes to the ride start can be found here

Keri is on an important project this week so email me and I will help plan a route to ride to join us.

Don’t have a pet and just want to ride? Come on! We roll out at 12:30pm! See you there!

1 reply
  1. rodney
    rodney says:

    Wow! What a ride! The weather started to not cooperate, then as we were leaving PetSmart, the sun broke through and it really warmed up.

    It was decided to make a change of plans and ride to Fleet Peoples park instead. On the way, we met several folks walking on the Cady Way trail and were “amazed” that one could use a bike for hauling pets or anything else.

    I passed out several Ride with Me flyers to passersby and mentioned to check our blog calendar for more social rides coming soon.

    Perhaps, once participation picks up, a trailer building workshop can be held. If you have any ideas for rides or want to do a workshop of any kind, post it in the forum.

    See y’all on the next ride!

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