Christmas Comes Early
There’s so much good news these days!
The Civility Initiative received $95,600
The Florida Bicycle Association has been awarded a $95,600 two-year grant from the Winter Park Health Foundation to create a Central Florida FBA Chapter and implement next steps in the Civility Initiative. From the grant application intro:
An estimated 18% of Central Floridians have ridden a bicycle in the last 30 days. (from Salter/Mitchell 2009) Some riders use their bikes to commute to work, others to run errands and some ride for fun and fitness. Roads, however, are viewed as the domain of cars by area motorists. For decades, roads have been built with the main goal of moving motor vehicle traffic more quickly and efficiently. This has helped create a cars-first, right to hurry mentality – a set of attitudes and beliefs that encourages uncivil behaviors toward cyclists, who are more likely to be perceived as “in the way” and “acting rudely” by slowing or stopping motor-vehicle traffic. These uncivil attitudes result in a more dangerous atmosphere for bicyclists and pedestrians and impede many individuals from participating in these healthful activities.
We’re going to change that, my friends!
SunRail is finally looking real
The 61 mile commuter line which was first proposed in 1990 is expected to start carrying passengers in 2012.
First leg of SunRail will roll from DeBary in Volusia County to downtown Orlando to Sand Lake Road in south Orange County. The line eventually will reach farther south in Osceola County.
Orlando Mayor and Central Florida Rail Commission Chairman Buddy Dyer, a longtime SunRail backer, wasn’t shy about talking up the rail system.
“It is going to mean a different type of growth in Orlando,” Buddy Dyer said of the $1.2 billion venture. “We’re going to move to transit-oriented development instead of sprawl. I like to think about going to New York and getting on a subway and going to Yankee Stadium. Now I like to think about somebody in Sanford being able to get on SunRail and come to downtown Orlando, maybe go to a Magic game or go to the Performing Arts Center or enjoy dinner and then take the train back home. It’s going to change the way we live in central Florida.”
Later, he released a statement comparing the impact of the bill to Henry Flagler’s first railroad line in Florida. “A century later, a new kind of rail transit has given us the opportunity to transform our state once again and set Florida on course for a more prosperous future for generations to come,” he said.
U.S. Reps. John Mica, R-Winter Park, and Corrine Brown, D-Jacksonville, have been working to secure $307 million in federal money to pay for construction of the $1.2 billion venture. Almost $27 million already has been awarded to SunRail and another $40 million likely is on the way.
Mica said he is confident the remainder is coming. Mica and Brown also are seeking up to $270 million in federal stimulus money for the project.
(Thanks to LisaB, our legislative guru, for submitting this info)
Orlando Responded Quickly
Readers… or at least one of you that I know of… called the City of Orlando in response to the post about the neglected bike lane on Primrose. One week from the post, the bike lane was edged and swept and back to its original size. An amazingly quick response! Thank you!
I’m sorry I don’t have a photo to share, I’ve been out of town and non-stop busy.
In the spirit of the holidays, I won’t harp on the drain grates. For now.
And last but not least, the best gift of the season is HOPE…
This comes from the Colonial High School Bike Club. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting with these kids three times. Each time I come away with an indelible smile on my face. If you haven’t seen it yet, watch the video and read about what they’re doing at 4onaQuarter. They’ve also been recognized on StreetsBlog.
They are my heroes.
Speaking of Christmas-come-early, when you gonna talk to us about your new (foldable) ride? 😉
I’ve had a busy month of constant work that’s exciting and mostly bike-related. Today is my last day of official work for the rest of the year. Then the treadmill stops and I will have time to write the posts that have been churning in my head… including one about the new bike.
So much good news! Must.not.let.head.explode.
Congrats on the grant – this is phenomenal news for Orlando! Thank you Keri and everyone else who worked on this project!! I think bad motorist attitudes do more damage to cycling in Orlando than even the bad sprawl. I’m just thrilled about this initiative!
The kids are the *coolest*. There just aren’t even words to describe how awesome I think they are.
Very cool! 🙂
wow. something very powerful about that.
haha I was one of the two girls in bike club (tall 3rd to the left) your site iss so rad! It was a pleasure meeting you and we’re really excited about our club too 😀
thank you again so much C=