Thank You


A moment of thanks for the readers and authors of this blog. Your insights and thoughtful articles and comments have enhanced CommuteOrlando more than I ever envisioned. You have made this community richer, and every day you make it better for bicycling. Your input has encouraged me to be a better thinker, writer and teacher.

Happy Thanksgiving!

11 replies
  1. ChipSeal
    ChipSeal says:

    In a very crowded and noisy space in the market-place of ideas, CommuteOrlando stands out from the crowd.

    The reason is content. Good content.

    Must read thoughtful essays. Pioneering advocacy. Winsome and attractive writing style that is very persuasive. Uncommonly good graphics and animation.

    Somehow, CommuteOrlando has gathered to itself a legion of down to earth and engaged readers who add their own thought provoking ideas and angles. Some blogs have half a hundred comments, and all of it engaging and on topic! How have you managed such a unique phenomena, Keri? It is really astonishing, and we are all better for it!

    Keri, CommuteOrlando’s success has been earned, no doubt about it!

  2. Laura M
    Laura M says:

    Thank YOU Keri! I’m still kinda blown away that someone would invite me to post on this blog. Me? Really? So thank you for the opportunity.

    Looking forward to 2010 and beyond. This is a great blog.

  3. Angie
    Angie says:

    I am SO thankful for this site and the community that extends beyond the blog. Thank you Keri for all that you have created here and thanks to all who participate. This awesome community has played a huge part in my willingness and ability to ride in Orlando (as well as the way I view the bike culture around here). Many, many heartfelt thanks!!

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