That’s short-hand for Pedal for Pride, and this is the third year for this event bringing together Parramore Kidz Zone (PKZ), Get Active Orlando, Florida Bicycle Association and others to help the kids of Orlando’s Parramore neighborhood enjoy the experience of cycling.

This years event saw some significant challenges.  Originally scheduled for May, it was postponed until October when not enough bikes could be rounded up for the kids.  Then, after collecting and repairing over 100 bikes, PKZ discovered over 80 of them had been stolen from the City of Orlando facility where they were being stored.

The local head of AirTran airlines teamed up with Target to provide over 200 new bikes for the kids.

We also timed the event to coincide with the 350.org International Day of Climate Action and the Central Florida Veg Fest.  P4P was one of (and the largest of) the six “bike-buses” heading into Veg Fest.

Big thanks to everyone who got involved, especially the folks from Seminole Cyclists and Jesse Ross’ Colonial High students.

For more P4P photos, go here.

3 replies
  1. ToddBS
    ToddBS says:

    At first I thought the one kid was giving the finger. Then I saw he was holding up two fingers. Of course, in England that would still be considered a rude gesture 😉

  2. andrewp
    andrewp says:

    It was quite the group pulling into VegFest! We had a ton of visitors over at the bike corral where RCBC had a bike repair stand set up. Lots of adjustments to pedals, chains, handlebars, brakes, etc ….. all good. 🙂

    Congrats to all involved …..

  3. Angie
    Angie says:

    What a cool event! Amazing that you were able to overcome so many challenges – great job!!

    And I have to say, I’m just *so* proud of Jesse’s students! I think this was a great way for them to get more involved with Orlando’s cycling community! Kudos to them!

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