FBA Annual Meeting in Mount Dora
Held in conjunction with the Mount Dora Bicycle Festival and Lake County Bike Summit Saturday, October 10, in Mount Dora. The Annual meeting is a time to update you on what’s been going on this year and plans for 2010 including our legislative plan, introduce the board members, and present Annual Awards. The Lake County Bike Summit will focus on regional issues. Festival Director Cathy Hoechst has been very supportive of accommodating the Annual meeting and the Summit into Saturday’s ride schedule. The Annual meeting begins at 3:30 followed by the Summit and wrapped up by 5:30. The Lake County Bike Summit is an example of ways FBA is assisting local advocates to promote positive change in their communities. Both events are FREE and open to anyone interested in bicycle advocacy and education. Registration fees apply if you wish to participate in the 35th Annual MDBF.