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Woo hoo! It’s Florida Springtime! We have some fun stuff in the works.

central_florida_veg_fest_2009_web_poster_m8piBike Buses to VegFest and Climate Action Day Events

On October 24, Florida Bicycle Association is teaming up with Central Florida VegFest to run “Bike Buses” from around Orlando to the festival at Loch Haven Park.

Rusted Chain Bike Collective will head up the Bike Valet service to keep bikes secure. Bike bus volunteers will even provide cargo bike services for your acquisitions!

The routes are now complete! See the routes and download a map here.

We still need more volunteers to help the Pedal 4 Pride kids and bus driver assistance. To volunteer, please contact Mighk.

CommuteOrlando Community Rides

Lycra-free, low-heart-rate group rides. All bike types welcome.

We had great fun on our first Ice Cream Night Ride and plan to do it again this month—destination: Cold Stone Creamery in Baldwin Park. We’ll use a trail-accessible starting point so folks in points north can use Cady Way to ride to and from the ride. The ride goes through downtown Orlando (a beautiful thing to see from a bike at night) at an easy, social pace. It’s a great opportunity to check out other people’s bike lighting systems and gain confidence riding in the dark.

Another adventure in the works is a group ride to Costco. Wouldn’t it be cool to see a bunch of cargo bikes, trailers and bikes with racks & panniers pull up to Costco? We’ll meet on the Cady Way trail for this one, too. After shopping, we’ll ride back via University Blvd and make a show of it with a group of utility bikes and trailers full of cargo.

Rodney is working on a Dinner & Movie ride as well. Just looking for a theater with secure bike parking.

Please keep an eye on the calendar (you can even subscribe to it with the RSS link, located just above the month, and have events fed into your calendar program) and the forum.

Speaking of Cargo

We have a Flickr group for Central Florida cyclists to show off what we can carry on our bikes. Join the group and share your pics. You don’t have to have a longtail or a trailer, show us your panniers full of groceries! Let’s show the Central Florida cycling community what’s possible.

16 replies
  1. Steve A
    Steve A says:

    Explain to me exactly what is the advantage of “lycra-free?” Not that I wear it most of the time myself, but are we trying to foster some sort of reverse snobbery here? Might not “come as you want’ be adequate to get the message across?

  2. Steve A
    Steve A says:

    Hey, Orlando’s a LONG way to go for me to experience a “Lycra-free, low-heart-rate group ride.” Besides, after seeing thinks like Rantwick posted on his blog about cargo shorts versus cycling shorts, my cargo shorts, my DisneyWorld tank top, and I are a little sensitive to the subject…

  3. Steve A
    Steve A says:

    I think Keri’s suggestion would be a classic “lose lose” situation.

    Seriously, the event sounds like a lot of fun for those within a reasonable distance. Maybe y’all ought to just consider moving west and joining us cowpokes. Feel free to bring your buses along. We could use more. 🙂

  4. Chandra
    Chandra says:

    The veggie fest sounds like a fun trip! Too dang far to ride to FL for me plus them Gators will eat me alive 🙂

    Lycra free? Hmmm…I am almost there…I don’t care if someone wears Lycra. I have switched to regular clothes, have been wearing regular stuff for a while now.

    Like the colors on this page, very pleasing to the old eyes!

    Great job, Keri!

    Peace 🙂

  5. Keri
    Keri says:

    I wear lycra on long rides and club rides… flashy lycra. I’ve designed several jerseys and kits.

    I’m so happy it’s cool out, I love wearing regular clothes on the bike to run errands, go to meetings, dinner, whatever.

    • Chandra
      Chandra says:

      Well put LOL!

      I have worn Lycra. I still have a bunch of Jerseys from different rides. But the jerseys and Lycra shorts are expensive and it is hard to maintain two sets of clothes, one regular and one bike-life related LOL! Plus. as Keri pointed out, much more convenient to run errands in.

      I have gotten re-acclimated to riding in regular clothes. So, I am sticking to it.

      Peace 🙂

  6. fred_dot_u
    fred_dot_u says:

    I’ve discovered that I like the “moisture management” that my lycra gear provides. I have tried “regular” clothes in rare circumstances and have found conclusively that I was “sticking to it”.

  7. Steve A
    Steve A says:

    I want to know more about these “Tech” tees. I do find, however, that cotton works for me up as high as 107F. It didn’t get hotter than that here this summer. One just has to develop a tolerance for getting a little sweaty.

    I wear Lycra for commuting mainly when I think I might be riding in the rain.

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