Expanding Street View to Human-powered Corridors

Starting in Europe, a vehicle for adding MUPs to Google StreetView

News from Europe, a vehicle for adding MUPs to Google Street View

I’m an avid user of the Google Maps street and satellite views for my route planning. Being able to see intersections from above and at the street level allows me to choose routes with the easiest crossings of major roads, or determine in advance how I’m going to handle a particular intersection or interchange.

I like the idea of adding Street View to MUPs and connector paths, especially since many trails and connectors are not yet part of Google’s mapping database.

There’s a bit of controversy with the article, Google builds Street View trikes to map U.K. footpaths, since “footpaths” are for pedestrians. I suspect they’ll get all that worked out. 😉

2 replies
  1. Mighk
    Mighk says:

    Howard at Orange Cycle mentioned to me last week that they were in town with such a rig. They came in to buy tires. So, we can expect “TrailView” soon!

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