Guerrilla Marketing: Help us get the word out!

March is Florida Bike Month—perfect timing for ramping up our bike buddy/mentor program in a big way. Wouldn’t it be cool if we brought together bike commuters from around Central Florida to form bike buses to the Mayor’s ride?

Here’s how you can help:

  • Spread the word about CommuteOrlando’s Ride Buddy/Mentor Program by distributing these mini-fliers to neighborhood bike stores, coffee shops, the office breakroom, on community bulletin boards and other public places. Simply print out this PDF and trim.
  • Introduce your friends to the forum where they can ask questions, share stories and offer assistance to other cyclists.
  • Participate in discussions! The more active our community of transportation cyclists, the more we will be taken seriously as a part of the transportation system.

Thanks for your help! Together we’ll make Orlando a better and better place to ride.

6 replies
  1. rodney
    rodney says:

    Met a guy at Publix tonight, said his name was “Colonel”. Man did he have a tricked out light set up. Gave him a Ride with Me handout and he was impressed that someone was doing such a thing! (I left one on each of the three bikes secured to the rack also)

    I told him about our mentoring program and we ended up talking for 15 minutes about riding and safety.

    Said he wished that more folks would ride bikes but the streets were very dangerous to ride on. Mentioned Street Smarts handbook about vehicular cycling as a way to take the “danger” out of riding the streets.

    Hope to see him here or on the forum soon. Gave him my business card to call me if he wanted to talk more.

  2. Andrewp
    Andrewp says:

    This is fantastic!!

    I got some of the fliers placed at Kyle’s Bike Shop a week or so ago. Went back on Monday, and saw they were down to just two left! Looks like someone is picking them up!! Thanks for the PDF Keri — I’ll get some more printed out and distributed!!

  3. rodney
    rodney says:

    We will be riding the Tour de Cure for American Diabetes Association Sunday Feb. 22, 2009. I have a few dozen to hand out.

    Doing 100 miles on the Night Train, so wish me the best!

  4. Keri
    Keri says:

    Go Rodney go! Have a great ride!

    Give us a report on your first Century in the Adventure Stories forum. I love reading about people’s first century rides (I might even have the story from my first century saved somewhere…)

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