19 replies
  1. Mighk
    Mighk says:

    I actually saw one of those (well, not bike lane) on SR 42 in Volusia Co. some years ago. Right under the centerline stripe.

  2. August Schoemner
    August Schoemner says:

    “Welcome to the back of the bus.”

    or perhaps…

    “You’re traveling through another dimension — a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Bikelane Zone!”

  3. Keri
    Keri says:

    Ah yeah. There’s been quite the flurry of emails about that editorial. I’ve been silent so far because my thoughts on it contain too many f-bombs.

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