Avid Cyclist to Head Obama Administration Transportation Department

According to Politico.com, Oregon’s Earl Blumenaur and Minnesota’s Jim Oberstar are on the short list for US Secretary of Transportation.  Both are avid cyclists and long-time proponents of federal cycling programs.  Oberstar is already in line to become the chair of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee.  I’ve also heard that Obama himself, while not as much a cyclist (he was spotted and photographed cycling with his family during the campaign), he has had positive contact with Chicagoland Bicycle Federation and Bikes Belong.

Stan Day, SRAM’s president, said that Obama “gets it.” He pointed out that Obama understands that bicycles can be part of a solution to issues as diverse as health care, obesity, energy and environmental policy. “He does his homework and he can connect the dots,” he said.

With such a huge opportunity, now is the time for more than the usual facilities-based bicycling programs.  Imagine a nationwide campaign portraying cycling as a safe, healthy, green, affordable and patriotic mode of transport!

We have arrived at the peak of political power my friends. Let’s not blow it!

12 replies
  1. Keri
    Keri says:

    Imagine a nationwide campaign portraying cycling as a safe, healthy, green, affordable and patriotic mode of transport!

    Lisa and I had this exact discussion with Tait from Salter>Mitchell over lunch yesterday.

    In tough times, we could come out on the side of fiscal responsibility if we shift focus from begging for infrastructure funding to forming public private partnerships to change attitudes. Social marketing is less expensive in the short run AND the long run. And the results of effective culture change would be so much better (for ALL road users) than slapping paint on the current corrosive attitudes.

  2. Mighk
    Mighk says:

    Considering the miniscule amount of money cycling and pedestrian interests are getting, I doubt the budget arguments will have much sway with the pro-bike representatives.
    I see the social marketing approach as more likely being “as well” and not “instead of.”
    It’s really up to locals to determine what the moneys will be used for. Federal dollars have rarely been used for stand-alone bike lane projects; the lion’s share has always been for trails and overpasses.
    Other nice uses of infrastructure dollars: bike parking, bike stations. Perhaps employer shower, locker and bike parking expenses could be given a strong tax write-off.

  3. PM Summer
    PM Summer says:

    Well, I would certainly hope Earl Blumenaur doesn’t become Secretary of Transportation. Considering where he’s from, he could be the Alberto Gonzales of DOT.

    Oberstar would be a better choice, but I’ll bet it’s going to someone with strong UAW ties and/or endorsement, with a heavy emphasis on infrastructure development as a way of jobs creation.

  4. Keri
    Keri says:

    Other nice uses of infrastructure dollars: bike parking, bike stations. Perhaps employer shower, locker and bike parking expenses could be given a strong tax write-off.

    Definitely! Lack of showers is a huge deterrent to bike commuting. Lack of secure parking is the biggest issue I face when running errands on the bike.

  5. andrewp
    andrewp says:

    I had this funny vision of President (elect) Obama cycling down Pennsylvania Avenue on the way to Congress to give a State of the Union message on his Energy Plan. Of course the Secret Service is out in force, all decked out in black bikes forming the Pelaton …………. everyone on the streets could be issued cowbells to ring as he cycles by ….. 🙂

  6. Mighk
    Mighk says:

    Wasn’t there a movie (or maybe West Wing episode) in which the president decided (last minute) to walk to Capitol Hill?

  7. andrewp
    andrewp says:

    Mighk: Yes, West Wing episode.

    Suposedly there are tax incentives for placing showers in buildings (so said Buddy Dyer in bike interview a few weeks back). Anybody know anything about them — good/bad/otherwise?

  8. Mighk
    Mighk says:

    Andrew asked: “Suposedly there are tax incentives for placing showers in buildings…”

    It’s unclear as yet if the recently passed Bicycle Commuter Act allows an employer to deduct $20 per month for shower & locker facilities provided on-site by the employer. The League will be working with the IRS to clarify. See the League’s FAQ on the BCA here:


  9. pmsummer
    pmsummer says:

    >Wasn’t there a movie (or maybe West Wing episode) in which the president decided (last minute) to walk to Capitol Hill?<

    Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter.

  10. Steve A
    Steve A says:

    My first comment ever on this blog:

    #1 I can’t say I’m impressed with a picture showing a politician riding a bike through a crosswalk, along a sidewalk. At least he’s not going the wrong way.

    #2 If we’re serious about REAL change, naming a CIC, bike-lane politician to S of T is likely to set cycling BACK in the long run. The two obvious candidates for PERMANENT CHANGE both have a first name of “John.” For those not paying attention, their last names are “Forester” and “Allen.” Neither conflicts with the Obama carbon/transport change vision. It’d be fun to see Andy Clarke’s face upon hearing that either got named…

  11. Keri
    Keri says:

    The two obvious candidates for PERMANENT CHANGE both have a first name of “John.”

    I might add “Schubert” to that list, as well.

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