Spandex Not Necessary — Common Bicycle Myths Debunked by REI’s Online Resource
This is an article about REI’s new website called Bike your drive.
A quote from the article:
“REI continues to see increased interest in using bicycles to get to work, the coffee shop or just for running errands around town,” says Brian Foley, REI’s product manager for cycling. “You don’t have to wear spandex to ride your bike,” Foley adds, “Our website and maintenance classes make it easier and less intimidating to garner the many benefits of bicycling for the individual and planet.”
I suppose packing a cook stove for the trip is optional.
“I suppose packing a cook stove for the trip is optional.”
They make some really compact ones these days. But that’s just me; with the Xtracycle I’m prone to saying, “Aw, what the heck, throw it in there.” ;^)