Join Trek’s Go By Bike Challenge!

David’s World is participating in the Go By Bike Challenge. It’s part of Trek’s 1 World 2 Wheels initiative. David’s is asking Central Florida citizens to make a commitment and use their bike as a source of transportation. Here’s how you do it:

  • Go to the David’s World website.
  • Scroll down to the green “Go By Bike Challenge” box and click the “pledge” button.
  • It will walk you through entering your bike trips.
  • The groovy calculator will tell you your total weekly miles, calories burned, CO2 reduced and $$$ saved.
  • Submit your pledge and see how many pledges have been made.
  • Then register to WIN A BIKE!

Trek is giving away 1 7.2 FX every day until the end of August for those who pledge to Go By Bike.

2 replies
  1. fred_dot_u
    fred_dot_u says:

    Something like this is easy for us bicycle-commuters, isn’t it? I’m running a bit behind in my hoped-for distance this year, because business is down and I commute to clients. No client calls, no miles.

    David’s World needs an attitude adjustment though! Verbatim from the site:
    It’s important to be cautious when you come upon cyclists while driving because they’re often forced by road conditions or other vehicles to make sudden and unpredictable moves.

    Those pesky unpredictable cyclists, eh?

  2. Keri
    Keri says:

    I think this is pretty similar to the cautions about motorcycles… there are things in the environment that a two-wheel vehicle must avoid and the driver of a 4-wheel vehicle needs to be aware of that.

    Motorcyclists aren’t ever expected to share their lane though. The fact that cyclists are (and most people don’t know when we’re entitled to the whole lane) puts us at greater risk for having someone pass as we’re avoiding a pavement hazard.

    Of course, we can be more predictable by riding farther left (since most hazards are near the edge) and discouraging same-lane passing. But most cyclists don’t do that… so it’s common for inexperienced cyclists to make sudden, unpredictable moves.

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