Celebrating Bike2Work Day – Bike Bus

By now you’ve probably heard about the Mayor’s ride on Friday morning. It starts at 8:30 AM from the College Park Starbucks.

A group of us (BOBbies and Flamingos) will be starting at Lake Howell and Howell Branch (use the Dollar General as a gathering place for those from parts north) at 7:30.

All are welcome to join along the route:

We should arrive in College Park around 8:15.

After the ride to City Hall, there are some of us who intend to blow off the whole morning—making it Late2Work Day. We will take a little tour of downtown Orlando, then head over to B3 for brunch.

Join us! Who needs to work, anyway?

1 reply
  1. Eric
    Eric says:

    No can do. First, I have to collect on an invoice so I can make a trip ~100 miles away to make a few more bucks.

    “In the day” a trip like this meant just about nothing to me. I used to fish there all the time. Now, it is a major affair. Since the gas prices have gone up I am not charging enough for mileage and need to go up.

    If customers are within bicycling distance, I charge $0 to which I remind them of whenever people complain about the mileage charge.

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